Polls put the ultra-Conservative AfD’s (Alternative for Germany) support as high as 19% in Saxony-Anhalt, where the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) now govern in coalition.

CNN recently held an interview with AfD co-chairwoman Frauke Petry.
Watch the full interview on Youtube!

Notice that during this interview Frau Petry does not disagree with the label “neo-nazi” or “brown party” (which means the same). In fact she seems to proudly wear it upon her shoulder (metaphorically) by saying “Those labels are ok, now let’s talk policy”. She sings a much different song on German TV, not only because neo-Nationalism is very unpopular in Germany, but also is forbidden by law. The “brown-shirts” were banned by the Allied Control Council shortly after Germany’s capitulation in 1945 and continue to be banned as a “Hate-Group”.

Unfortunately AfD’s policy is based on a single issue and their rhetoric is almost as scary as that of some U.S. Candidates. Close the borders to “the unwelcome” (which Ms. Petry has previously defined as “anyone not a German National or foreigner entering to do business favorable to Germany”) and to shoot anyone attempting to cross into the country. They are extremely anti-social, anti-democracy and pro-violence, often sharing a stage and marching in protest hand-in-hand with Skin-heads and well-known Nationalist leaders.

I can only hope those polls are wrong.

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